Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Investment plans on hold

Respected newsletter writer and investment analyst Richard Maybury just issued the following warning to his readers (my emboldening):
Dear Reader,
I have put my investment plans on hold, except possibly for the purchase of gold, silver and platinum coins.
I think the temporary termination of QE (quantitative easing, meaning inflation of the money supply) at the end of June produces a global high risk of new deflationary conditions for a while, followed by more QE.
A complete explanation will be in the June EWR.
I could be wrong — economics is far from an exact science — but my best guess is that the wildness of the financial roller coaster is about to surpass anything ever seen before.
You are on my mind every day. Have faith in the fact that in every global catastrophe, there are some people who emerge at the end in fine shape; there is no reason you and I cannot be among these people.
I’ll be with you every step of the way.
Richard J. Maybury

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